About Us
Since the 1960s tourism in Marmaris baths with the tourism sector with the profession continues Hamamcılar 2011’li to years of service with the brand believes.
With other facilities in the tourism sector, which still continue to work in may 2010, and opened a place Armutalan Spa & Wellness’da seeing and worth living.
Proud of his service with 51 years in the tourism sector in Marmaris Hamamcılar Tourism is still hitting its mark and continue to gain the admiration of all agencies.
Architectural style, the oldest and largest baths of Mugla Armutalan the historyof the Turkish bath in the 1960’s based. The building is fully quote the old baths, adapted to the conditions of present-day use. Within three bath The building containing the vault and domes are connected and tulips. After the temperature of cold and parts of sections of the dressing, then leads to the section. Affection and conversation gets dark, rest and relaxation is the large main hall.
Our complex is equipped with CCTV’s and all the camera ecords are kept for 1.monts. Our complex is also certified by Turkish Republic Ministry of Culture and Tourism.